Make something of it.

Feinwerkmechaniker (m/f/d)

Start of training: Herbst 2025

Duration of training: 3,5 Jahre

Completion: Gesellenbrief

Seize the opportunity to help shape the future of the stone and earth industry! Do you want to make a difference in a strong environment where your commitment counts and you can develop to your full potential? Then we should get to know each other! STICHWEH offers plant technology and processing systems for the stone and earth industry worldwide: from sand and gravel extraction to mining and professional classification.


You have questions? Then just call us directly or send us an email:

Anja Gröhlich

T. +49. 51 86. 9 41 40

Fax +49. 51 86. 94 14 50

Training content


You learn all the production methods for making components out of metal.

In other words, you learn milling, turning, grinding, welding and drilling. Classically and on modern production units.


The manufactured components are assembled into subassemblies, fitted into existing systems or entire machines. Measuring and testing, reading technical drawings and knowledge of technical interrelationships are also learned here.


You control the work processes, evaluate the results and ensure the quality of the product.

Vocational school

At the vocational school you will deepen your knowledge and, parallel to your practical training, you will be accompanied to your successful completion of training. Your training can be the foundation for further career steps.

You and us

Wir bieten Dir:

  • Einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz mit der Chance auf spätere Übernahme
  • Eine faire Ausbildungsvergütung
  • Eine Prämie für gute Noten in der Zwischen- und Abschlussprüfung
  • Vermögenswirksame Leistungen
  • Ein engagiertes Umfeld

Du solltest mitbringen:

  • Mittlere Reife (in Ausnahmefällen auch ein guter Hauptschulabschluss)
  • Gute Noten v.a. in den technischen Fächern
  • Handwerkliches Geschick und Verantwortungsbewusstsein
  • Teamfähigkeit und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
  • Pünktlichkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Ausdauer
  • Bereitschaft zu einem Schnupperpraktikum

We are looking forward to your application

Please send us your application by e-mail or mail to

Maschinen und Service GmbH
Anja Gröhlich

Am Schmiedebrink 4
31020 Salzhemmendorf/Thüste

T. +49. 51 86. 9 41 40

Fax +49. 51 86. 94 14 50

For reasons of better readability we use - without any discriminatory intention - exclusively the masculine spelling. This is representative for a gender-neutral designation. In principle, all gender identities are meant.

STICHWEH Global – your contact.

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