Winning raw materials!


It is impossible to imagine life without mineral raw materials. They are the basis for buildings, industrial products and consumer goods.

Did you know?

What is the amount of aggregates in residential fabric, infrastructure buildings or energy supply?

Grafik Verbrauch Gesteinskoernungen 16012023 EN

In Germany, nearly 500 million tons of aggregates made of natural stone, gravel and sand, quartz sands and gravels are demanded annually.

The main customers are construction companies and building material producers. For professional extraction, classification and grading, experts like the Lower Saxony company STICHWEH are needed.

The STICHWEH quality promise:

  • Just in time: the right solution for your project at any time
  • Just in place: worldwide provision and maintenance
  • Just Full Service: individual customer service and service engineering

That's why customers worldwide say: I WANT A STICHWEH!

Quelle: Forum Miro Rohstoffe - MIRO Bundesverband Mineralische Rohstoffe e. V. (

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