Sietzen gravel pit

Suction dredger bucket wheel and double bucket wheel


Expansion of the machinery of Kiesbetriebe Sietzen GmbH for the efficient extraction of sand and gravel. gravel.


Washing and classifying: coarse-grained material material must be cleaned of impurities during screening, fine-grained material is classified using the STICHWEH washing and dewatering dewatering scoop wheels.

Successful in use

STICHWEH Suction dredger bucket wheel E 6509 H + stockpile conveyor
Double bucket wheel DSD 3011/09 BL 120

Performance at a glance

STICHWEH suction dredger bucket wheel E 6509 H
+ stockpile conveyor

Mixing capacity: approx. 850 m³/h

Solids capacity: approx. 200 - 250 t/h

Grain size: 0 - max. 80 mm

Material composition:
0 - 3 mm approx. 70 - 95 95 %
3 - 32 mm approx. 5 - 30 30 %
32 - X mm max. 5 %

Double scoop wheel DSD 3011/09 BL 120

Throughput capacity: 200 - 250 t/h


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bucket wheels

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