Expansion of the machinery of Kiesbetriebe Sietzen GmbH for the efficient extraction of sand and gravel. gravel.
Washing and classifying: coarse-grained material material must be cleaned of impurities during screening, fine-grained material is classified using the STICHWEH washing and dewatering dewatering scoop wheels.
Successful in use
Suction dredger bucket wheel E 6509 H + stockpile conveyor
Double bucket wheel DSD 3011/09 BL
Performance at a glance
STICHWEH suction dredger bucket wheel E 6509
+ stockpile conveyor
Mixing capacity: approx. 850 m³/h
Solids capacity: approx. 200 - 250 t/h
Grain size: 0 - max. 80 mm
Material composition:
0 - 3 mm approx. 70 - 95
95 %
3 - 32 mm approx. 5 - 30
30 %
32 - X mm
max. 5 %
Double scoop wheel DSD 3011/09 BL 120
Throughput capacity: 200 - 250 t/h
Would you like to find out more?
Then contact our experts:
r.suerig@smt-stichweh.com / m.golembek@smt-stichweh.com
or give us a call: T. +49. 51 86. 9 41 40